Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Key Learning Area for the Arts at Torrens Primary School

At Torrens Primary, the Key Learning Area of the Arts includes:

dance, drama, music, visual arts, and media.

If you are a Canberra teacher working in these areas, you can attend Professional Development offered by the Curriculum Support team, on 6205 7169.

Specific learning and sharing concepts include:

- visits to schools to work with teachers in these subject areas
- linking between Arts events and Art subjects, such as ANZAC Day
- attending workshops and events run by Arts organisations
- visiting Arts groups such as dance troops and drama performances

Useful A.C.T. Arts websites include:

The National Art Gallery

National Portrait Gallery

Canberra Glassworks

Art Extension Classes at Torrens

In 2007, I was a bit surprised to find that more than eighty students asked to come to extension art classes! To allow as many children as possible a chance to attend I decided to make four groups of about twenty children. There was a junior group of mostly Year 1 and Year 2 students and then a middle and senior school group. Each group came to classes for one term. Extension art was held on Fridays from 2.00pm ‘til 3.00pm.

GATE program in 2008

Students and teachers from around Canberra will participate in classes run by Sue in Art for the Gifted and Talented Teaching Program. Children will develop their own Art portfolio. Topics under consideration for 2008 include:
- working with textiles
- painting in watercolour

Friday, May 2, 2008

Andy Warhol

Year 4 studied the work of Andy Warhol by looking at his prints and drawing of every objects, such as... shoes.

Then the class made their own fantasy shoes.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Still Life art lesson

Years 4 and 5 looked at the genre of art called "Still Life" today. We discussed the works of Van Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin and Picasso. We decided that the artists used the textures of leaves, fruit, stone, wood, feathers, wool and so on.

We chose a painting we liked - a Picasso - and tried to copy his style. Next time we will do our own "Still Life" painting.